How to say A lot in Italian?

What does Tanto mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “A lot” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Tanto”?

A lot is translated in Italian by...

Tanto (m) / Tanta (f)
A lot

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

C'è tanta neve.
There is a lot of snow.
Lei ha tanta pazienza.
You have a lot of patience.
Lei rispondeva con tanti dettagli.
You were answering with a lot of details.
Non c'è tanta gente al cinema.
There aren't a lot of people at the movie theatre.
Io ho conosciuto tanta gente alla festa.
I have known (met) a lot of people at the party.
Tu stai per portare tante cose per il tuo viaggio.
You are about to bring a lot of things on your trip.


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