How to say A person in Italian?

What does Persona mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “A person” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Persona”?

A person is translated in Italian by...

Una persona (m)
A person

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tu sei una persona tranquilla.
You are a calm person.
C'è solo una persona in classe.
There is only a person in the classroom.
Petra è la persona meno interessante dell'ufficio.
Petra is the least interesting person in the office.

More Example Sentences.

È una persona molto speciale e unica.
She is a very special and unique person.
Devo andare avanti e diventare una persona migliore.
I must move forward and become a better person.
Non era una persona piccola, ma per l'atletica era utile essere più alto della media.
He wasn't a short person, but for track and field, it was helpful to be taller than average.


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