How to say Afternoon in French?
What does Après midi mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Afternoon is translated in French by...
L'après-midi (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Dimanche après-midi, si possible.
Sunday afternoon, if possible.
Sunday afternoon, if possible.
De rien monsieur. Bon après-midi.
You're welcome sir. Have a good afternoon.
You're welcome sir. Have a good afternoon.
Vous tondrez le gazon cet après-midi.
You will mow the lawn this afternoon.
You will mow the lawn this afternoon.
Oui, il y aura un orage en après-midi.
Yes, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.
Yes, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.
Je devrai faire la lessive cet après-midi.
I will have to do the laundry this afternoon.
I will have to do the laundry this afternoon.
More Example Sentences.
J'aimerais pouvoir aller à la plage l'après-midi.
I wish I could go to the beach in the afternoon.
I wish I could go to the beach in the afternoon.
Un après-midi, Alex commençait à s'échauffer au gymnase.
One afternoon, Alex was beginning to warm up at the gym.
One afternoon, Alex was beginning to warm up at the gym.
Aujourd'hui, il ne pleut pas, mais on annonce un orage en fin d'après-midi.
Today, it's not raining, but a thunderstorm is in the forecast late in the afternoon.
Today, it's not raining, but a thunderstorm is in the forecast late in the afternoon.
Plus il se rapprochait du championnat, plus il s'entraînait intensément chaque après-midi.
The closer he got to the championship, the harder he trained every afternoon.
The closer he got to the championship, the harder he trained every afternoon.
Un après-midi, il se préparait à pêcher quand soudainement, une tempête a commencé à se former dans la mer.
One afternoon, he was getting ready to fish when suddenly, a storm began to form out in the sea.
One afternoon, he was getting ready to fish when suddenly, a storm began to form out in the sea.
Le lendemain du discours, vers deux heures de l'après-midi, les gardes ont entendu un bruit caractéristique.
The day after the speech, around two o'clock in the afternoon, the guards heard an unmistakable noise.
The day after the speech, around two o'clock in the afternoon, the guards heard an unmistakable noise.