How to say Airplane in Spanish?
What does Avión mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Airplane is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

The airplane is his.

That paper airplane can fly!

He will throw a paper airplane.

You were sitting for 16 hours in your seat in the airplane?

She is beside the plane.

The plane is flying. It is flying.

How was the food in the plane?

The plane flew for five hours.

I will jump down from this plane.

No, it's the first time I take the plane.

You go to the airport to take the plane.

We will be in the plane in half an hour.

Yes, I got to the airport when the plane took off.

You had to wait for the plane for two hours.

I almost cried out of happiness when the plane arrived.
More Example Sentences.

I'm waiting for the plane.

If it rains a lot, the plane is always slower than usual.

After getting through customs, I embark on the plane leaving for France.

Now, I have to know how I will spend the night while waiting for tomorrow's plane.

I'm going to see an airport employee to ask him if the plane will arrive soon.