How to say Already in French?
What does Déjà mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Already is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Vous avez déjà réservé?
You've booked already?
You've booked already?
Non, j'ai déjà appelé son portable...
No, I already called his mobile...
No, I already called his mobile...
Une demi-heure!? Je suis déjà en retard!
Half an hour!? I am already late!
Half an hour!? I am already late!
Mon réveille-matin sonne déjà!
My alarm clock is already ringing!
My alarm clock is already ringing!
Oui, déjà! Le temps a passé si vite.
Yes, already! Time went by so quickly.
Yes, already! Time went by so quickly.
Non, désolée, j'ai déjà prévu quelque chose.
No, I'm sorry, I already have plans.
No, I'm sorry, I already have plans.
Ah...Je suis déjà fatigué! Et c'est tout?
Oh...I am already tired! Is that all?
Oh...I am already tired! Is that all?
More Example Sentences.
Je suis déjà impressionné!
I'm already impressed!
I'm already impressed!
C'est déjà l'heure du retour.
It's time to go back already.
It's time to go back already.
La destination est déjà ici.
The destination is already here.
The destination is already here.
Mon fils qui va déjà à l'école!
My son's already off to school!
My son's already off to school!
Anna commençait déjà à tomber pour lui.
Anna was already starting to fall for him.
Anna was already starting to fall for him.
J'ai déjà dépensé huit dollars pour deux horribles sandwiches.
I have already spent eight dollars on two horrible sandwiches.
I have already spent eight dollars on two horrible sandwiches.
Le train est déjà là, je m'installe confortablement dans mon siège et j'attends.
The train is already there, I sit comfortably in my seat and wait.
The train is already there, I sit comfortably in my seat and wait.
Quand j'entre dans la cour d'école, les élèves sont déjà en rang pour entrer dans les classes.
When I enter the school backyard, the other students are already in line to go into the classes.
When I enter the school backyard, the other students are already in line to go into the classes.