How to say Already in Spanish?

What does Ya mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Already” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Ya”?

Already is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¡Oh, no! ¿Ya comienzan?
Oh no! Already?
¿En media hora? Si ya es tarde.
Half an hour? I am already late.
No, ya lo llamé a su celular...
No, I already called his mobile...
¡Uf? ¡Ya estoy cansado? ¿Es todo?
Oh? I am already tired? Is that all?
No, lo siento. Ya tengo algo previsto.
No, I'm sorry. I already have plans.
Mi despertador ya está sonando.
My alarm clock is already ringing.

More Example Sentences.

¡Ya estoy impresionado?
I'm already impressed?
El destino ya está aquí.
The destination is already here.
Anna ya estaba empezando a enamorarse de él.
Anna was already starting to fall for him.
Ya he gastado ocho dólares en dos sándwiches horribles.
I have already spent eight dollars on two horrible sandwiches.
El tren ya está allí, me siento cómodamente en mi asiento y espero.
The train is already there, I sit comfortably in my seat and wait.
Cuando entro al patio de la escuela, los otros estudiantes ya están en línea para ir a clase.
When I enter the school backyard, the other students are already in line to go into the classes.


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