How to say Anything in Italian?

What does Qualsiasi cosa mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Anything” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Qualsiasi cosa”?

Anything is translated in Italian by...

Qualsiasi cosa

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il mio cane mangia qualsiasi cosa.
My dog eats anything.
Può leggere qualsiasi cosa in biblioteca.
She can read anything in the library.
Farebbero qualsiasi cosa per passare l'esame.
They will do anything to pass the exam.
Farebbe qualsiasi cosa per tornare indietro nel tempo.
He would do anything to go back in time.

More Example Sentences.

Avevo paura di qualsiasi cosa avesse le ruote.
I was afraid of anything that had wheels.
Farei qualsiasi cosa per sentirmi così ogni giorno.
I would do anything to feel like this every day.
Chiunque può pubblicare qualsiasi cosa e affermare che sia la verità.
Anyone can post anything and claim that it's the truth.
Ho sete..... ho sete. Darei qualsiasi cosa per un sorso d'acqua.
I'm starting to be thirsty. I'd give anything for a sip of water.


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