How to say Apple in French?
What does Pomme mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Apple is translated in French by...
La pomme (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La tarte aux pommes.
Apple pie
Apple pie
Je mange une pomme.
I am eating an apple.
I am eating an apple.
Les pommes sont rouges.
Apples are red.
Apples are red.
Ces pommes sont les nôtres.
These apples are ours.
These apples are ours.
J'ai pu cueillir plusieurs pommes.
I was able to pick many apples.
I was able to pick many apples.
Il y a des pommes dans cet arbre.
There are apples in this/that tree.
There are apples in this/that tree.
Toutes ces pommes sont très similaires.
All these apples are very similar.
All these apples are very similar.
J'ai échangé ma pomme contre ce biscuit.
I traded my apple for this cookie.
I traded my apple for this cookie.
Il y a autant de pommes que d'oranges.
There are as many apples as oranges.
There are as many apples as oranges.
J'aime les pommes parce qu'elles sont sucrées.
I like apples because they are sweet.
I like apples because they are sweet.
Il y a une pomme rouge parmi les vertes.
There is a red apple among the green ones.
There is a red apple among the green ones.
Quelle pomme veux-tu? Laquelle veux-tu?
Which apple do you want? Which one do you want?
Which apple do you want? Which one do you want?
Elle doit choisir de prendre la pomme ou le gâteau.
She has to choose to take the apple or the cake.
She has to choose to take the apple or the cake.
Je choisirais de manger une pomme si j'étais à ta place.
I would choose to eat an apple if I were you.
I would choose to eat an apple if I were you.
Les pommes, les oranges et les bananes sont tous des fruits.
Apples, oranges and bananas are all fruits.
Apples, oranges and bananas are all fruits.