How to say Apple in Spanish?
What does Manzana mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Apple is translated in Spanish by...
La manzana (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La manzana es roja.
The apple is red.
The apple is red.
Estoy comiendo una manzana.
I am eating an apple.
I am eating an apple.
Estas manzanas son nuestras.
These apples are ours.
These apples are ours.
Hay manzanas en este árbol.
There are apples in this tree.
There are apples in this tree.
Pude cosechar muchas manzanas.
I was able to pick many apples.
I was able to pick many apples.
Todas estas manzanas son muy similares.
All these apples are very similar.
All these apples are very similar.
En la cesta hay manzanas y naranjas.
There are apples and oranges in the basket.
There are apples and oranges in the basket.
¿Qué comerás, la manzana o el pastel?
What will you eat, the apple or the cake?
What will you eat, the apple or the cake?
A mí me gustan las manzanas porque son dulces.
I like apples because they are sweet.
I like apples because they are sweet.
Hay una manzana roja entre las verdes.
There is a red apple among the green ones.
There is a red apple among the green ones.
En tu lugar, yo escogería comer una manzana.
If I were you, I would choose to eat an apple.
If I were you, I would choose to eat an apple.
De todas las manzanas del supermercado, ella escogió esas.
Of all the apples at the supermarket, she chose those ones.
Of all the apples at the supermarket, she chose those ones.