How to say Approximately in Italian?

What does Circa mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Around” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Circa”?

Approximately is translated in Italian by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ho circa cinque dollari.
I have approximately five dollars.
Lei ha circa sessanta anni di età.
She is approximately sixty years old.
Dormo circa otto ore a notte.
I sleep approximately eight hours every night.
Ci sono circa 120 chicchi d'uva nella ciotola.
There are approximately 120 grapes in the bowl.
Ci sono circa trenta fragole nella ciotola.
There are approximately thirty strawberries in the bowl.

Circa can also be translated by...


Example Sentences in Context.

Circa due minuti.
Around two minutes.
Direi, circa 30 gradi.
I would say, around 30 degrees.
Circa dieci giorni lavorativi.
Around ten working days.
Non lo so... Circa le sei di sera.
I don't know... Around six pm.
Il volo è di circa cinque ore e mezza.
The flight is around five hours and a half.
Non dovrebbe volerci molto, circa dieci minuti.
It shouldn't be long, around ten minutes.


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