Learn Spanish: Aquatic animals

Spanish translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Spanish Aquatic animals
Los animales acuáticos (m)
Aquatic animals

Me encanta bucear para ver animales acuáticos.
I love to scuba dive to see aquatic animals.
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El delfín (m)

Yo nado con los delfines.
I am swimming with the dolphins.
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El pez (m)

El es un nuevo pez en el tanque.
The is a new fish in the tank.
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La rana (f)

Hay muchas ranas en este estanque.
There are lots of frogs in this pond.
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La orca (f)
Killer whale

Las orcas no deben estar en cautiverio.
Killer whales should not be in captivity.
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La langosta (f)

Nunca he comido una langosta.
I have never eaten a lobster.
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El pulpo (m)

Nunca he visto un pulpo.
I have never seen an octopus.
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El pingüino (m)

Los pingüinos no pueden volar.
Penguins can't fly.
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El caballito de mar (m)
Sea horse

Amo los caballitos de mar.
I love seahorses.
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El tiburón (m)

Fue atacado por un tiburón.
He was attacked by a shark.
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La tortuga (f)

Esa tortuga es muy vieja.
That turtle is very old.
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La ballena (f)

Ustedes vieron ballenas.
You saw some whales.
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