How to say At least in Italian?

What does Almeno mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “At least” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Almeno”?

At least is translated in Italian by...

At least

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Almeno questo va bene.
At least that's good.
Lui vuole almeno un bicchiere di succo.
He wants at least one glass of juice.

More Example Sentences.

Almeno non morirò qui.
At least, I shouldn't die in here.
Non è costoso, almeno questo.
It's not expensive, at least.
Sono contenta che sia finita bene, almeno!
Glad it has ended well, at least!
Deve correre almeno una volta al giorno.
He needs to run at least once a day.
Almeno non l'ho sentito russare da così lontano.
At least I couldn't hear him snore from so far away.
Beh, sembro un po' pazzo perché ci sono 30ºC fuori, ma almeno sono protetto.
Okay, I look a little crazy because it's 30ºC outside, but at least I'm protected.


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