How to say Athlete in German?
What does Sportler mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Athlete is translated in German by...
Der Sportler (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
Edward träumte davon, eines Tages Profisportler zu werden.
Edward dreamed of one day becoming a professional athlete.
Edward dreamed of one day becoming a professional athlete.
Der Trainer entschied, im Hinblick darauf, wie leidenschaftlich Alex als Sportler war, ihn nahe am Ring zu behalten.
The coach, in view of how passionate Alex was as an athlete, decided to keep him close to the ring.
The coach, in view of how passionate Alex was as an athlete, decided to keep him close to the ring.
Ich war ein Sportler, als ich jünger war.
I was an athlete when I was younger.
I was an athlete when I was younger.