How to say Aunt in German?
What does Tante mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Aunt is translated in German by...
Die Tante (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Deine Tante. Hast du den Koffer deiner Tante mitgebracht?
Your aunt. Did you bring along the suitcase of your aunt?
Your aunt. Did you bring along the suitcase of your aunt?
More Example Sentences.
Meine Tante hat fünf Katzen.
My aunt has five cats.
My aunt has five cats.
Meine Tante lebt bei uns.
My aunt lives with us.
My aunt lives with us.
Meine Tante liebt es, im Supermarkt zu arbeiten.
My aunt loves to work at the supermarket.
My aunt loves to work at the supermarket.