How to say Baby in Spanish?

What does Bebé mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Baby” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Bebé”?

Baby is translated in Spanish by...

El bebé (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ellos tendrán que cuidar al bebé.
They will have to take care of the baby.
Nosotros hemos pintado la habitación de nuestro nuevo bebé.
We have painted our new baby's bedroom.
En ese momento, un bebé nacía sin intervenciones médicas.
At the time, a baby was born without medical interventions.

More Example Sentences.

Ya no eres un bebé.
You're not a baby anymore.
Podrías entender a tu bebé y a tus mascotas.
You could understand your baby and your pets.
Mi querido bebé, todavía quedan algunas semanas hasta que nos conozcamos.
My dear baby boy, there are still a few weeks until we meet.
No puedo esperar a ver tu primera sonrisa, escuchar tu primera risa de bebé.
I can't wait to see your first smile, to hear your first baby laugh.
Noto que está escrito en letra muy pequeña en la parte inferior de la página: Zapatos de bebé.
I see it's written in very small font at the bottom of the page: Baby shoes.


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