How to say Bad in German?
What does Schlecht mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Hattest du eine schlechte Nacht?
Did you have a bad night?
Did you have a bad night?
Ach, hör auf! Es ist nicht so schlecht!
Oh, stop it! It's not that bad!
Oh, stop it! It's not that bad!
Das ist schlecht für deine Gesundheit.
That is bad for your health.
That is bad for your health.
Nicht schlecht. Und du? Bist du sportlich?
Not bad. And you? Are you sporty?
Not bad. And you? Are you sporty?
Nicht so schlecht. Das Essen war fantastisch!
Not too bad. The food was amazing!
Not too bad. The food was amazing!
Vielen Dank. Du siehst auch nicht schlecht aus.
Thank you. You aren't bad yourself.
Thank you. You aren't bad yourself.
Mensch! Dieses Steak ist gar nicht schlecht!
Gee! This steak is not bad at all!
Gee! This steak is not bad at all!
Er ist den ganzen Tag in schlechter Stimmung gewesen.
He has been in a bad mood all day.
He has been in a bad mood all day.
Rauch(e) keine Zigaretten, sie sind schlecht für dich.
Don't smoke cigarettes, they are bad for you.
Don't smoke cigarettes, they are bad for you.
Magst du die Schule nicht? Behandeln sie dich schlecht?
Don't you like the school? Are they treating you bad?
Don't you like the school? Are they treating you bad?
Selbst meine Mutter dachte, dass es eine schlechte Idee war.
Even my mother thought that was a bad idea.
Even my mother thought that was a bad idea.