How to say Bad in Italian?
What does Brutto mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Bad is translated in Italian by...
Brutto (m) / Brutta (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Hai passato una brutta nottata?
Did you have a bad night?
Did you have a bad night?
È brutto tempo.
It's bad out.
It's bad out.
È brutto per la vostra salute.
That is bad for your health.
That is bad for your health.
Era... niente. Solo un brutto sogno. E il gatto mi ha svegliato.
It was... nothing. Just a bad dream. And the cat woke me up.
It was... nothing. Just a bad dream. And the cat woke me up.
More Example Sentences.
Una brutta giornata a scuola.
A bad day at school.
A bad day at school.
Ci sono tantissimi ricordi. Belli e brutti.
There are so many memories. Both good and bad.
There are so many memories. Both good and bad.
Ho una brutta allergia all'aglio. Mi fa sentire strano.
I have a very bad allergy to garlic. It makes me feel strange.
I have a very bad allergy to garlic. It makes me feel strange.
Ho avuto tantissimi momenti felici, ma anche qualche brutta giornata.
I have had so many moments of happiness, but also a few bad days.
I have had so many moments of happiness, but also a few bad days.
Quella che a prima vista sembra una brutta situazione può a volte condurci a scoprire cose ancora più belle.
What seems like a bad situation at first can sometimes lead us to discover even greater things.
What seems like a bad situation at first can sometimes lead us to discover even greater things.