How to say Bank in German?

What does Bank mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Bank” in German? What is the meaning of “Bank”?

Bank is translated in German by...

Die Bank (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ja, ich war in der Bank.
Yes, I was inside the bank.
Ich gehe zur (zu + der) Bank.
I am going to the bank.
Gut. Haben Sie Ihre Bankkarte?
Alright. Do you have your bank card?
Ihr habt mich an der Bank treffen sollen.
You should have met me at the bank.
Sie haben also den Raubüberfall in der Bank gesehen.
So you witnessed the robbery in the bank.

More Example Sentences.

Er verwendet mich, um seine Bankkonten zu prüfen.
He is using me to check his bank accounts.


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