How to say Bear in Italian?
What does Orso mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Bear is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

With all this food, you are possibly attracting bears to the campsite.
More Example Sentences.

They knew it was the sound of a bear.

They could hear the bear roaming around the house.

Today she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.

Everything seemed to indicate that the bear had left.

The bear started running towards Adam and rammed into him.

The bullet did irreversible damage and the bear collapsed.

Tom and Noah, trembling with fear, heard the bear's roar again.

They decided to return home quickly for fear that the bear would return.

They entered in a hurry because they knew that the bear was following their trail.

The bear attacked him for a few seconds before Adam managed to get a hold of his revolver.

He didn't want to tell him that they were trapped by a bear, but Tom's father heard a roar.

A large bear suddenly came out in the middle of the path and was startled by Adam's presence.

They arrived at one in the morning and took a quick look around to make sure the bear wasn't following them.