How to say Bear in Spanish?

What does Oso mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Bear” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Oso”?

Bear is translated in Spanish by...

El oso (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ustedes van a atraer osos al campamento con toda esta comida.
You are going to attract bears to the campsite with all this food.

More Example Sentences.

Sabían que era el sonido de un oso.
They knew it was the sound of a bear.
Podían oír al oso paseando alrededor de la casa.
They could hear the bear roaming around the house.
Todo parecía indicar que el oso se había ido.
Everything seemed to indicate that the bear had left.
El oso comenzó a correr hacia él y lo embistió.
The bear started running towards Adam and rammed into him.
La bala le hizo un daño irreversible y el oso colapsó.
The bullet did irreversible damage and the bear collapsed.
Tom y Noah, temblando de miedo, volvieron a escuchar el rugido del oso.
Tom and Noah, trembling with fear, heard the bear's roar again.
Decidieron regresar a casa rápidamente por temor a que el oso regresara.
They decided to return home quickly for fear that the bear would return.
Entraron apresuradamente porque sabían que el oso les estaba siguiendo el rastro.
They entered in a hurry because they knew that the bear was following their trail.
El oso lo atacó por unos segundos antes de que Adán lograra agarrar su revólver.
The bear attacked him for a few seconds before Adam managed to get a hold of his revolver.
No quería mencionarle que los había acorralado un oso, pero el padre de Tom escuchó un rugido.
He didn't want to tell him that they were trapped by a bear, but Tom's father heard a roar.
De repente, un gran oso apareció en medio del camino y se sorprendió por la presencia de Adán.
A large bear suddenly came out in the middle of the path and was startled by Adam's presence.
Bloquearon la puerta y cubrieron la entrada con una mesa, para que el oso no pudiera entrar a la cabaña.
They blocked the door and covered the entrance with a table, so that the bear couldn't easily enter the cabin.


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