How to say Beautiful in French?

What does Beau mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Beautiful” in French? What is the meaning of “Belle”?

Beautiful is translated in French by...

Beau (m) / Belle (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Vous avez un beau chien.
You have a beautiful dog.
Oui, quelle belle journée!
Yes, what a beautiful day!
Tu as une belle chambre.
You have a beautiful room.
Tu es très belle ce soir.
You're very beautiful tonight.
C'est un beau sourire.
That is a beautiful smile.
Elle a une belle voix.
She has a beautiful voice.
Tu as un beau nez aussi...
You have a beautiful nose as well...
Tu regardais la belle chute d'eau.
You were looking at the beautiful waterfall.
Toi, tu as un très beau sourire!
(You) You have a beautiful smile.
Tu sais que tu as de beaux yeux?
You know you have beautiful eyes?
Quelle belle journée, n'est-ce pas?
What a beautiful day, right?
Vous trouvez? Je pense que c'est très beau.
You think so? I think it's very beautiful.
Merci. Il fait beau aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?
Thank you. It's beautiful out today, isn't it?
Ils voyagent pour escalader et voir de beaux paysages.
They travel to climb and see some beautiful scenery.
Les deux voitures sont belles, mais je veux celle-là.
Both cars are beautiful, but I want that one.
Nous choisissions de belles couleurs pour peindre la maison.
We were choosing some beautiful colors to paint the house.
Je ne crois pas que tu découvres de belles choses en restant à la maison.
I don't believe that you (will) discover beautiful things while staying at home.


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