How to say Beautiful in German?
What does Schön mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Beautiful is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You are very beautiful.

Your dog is beautiful.

Yes, what a beautiful day!

This flower is beautiful.

You're beautiful tonight.

She has a beautiful voice.

What a beautiful day, right?

That woman is very beautiful.

That girl has beautiful eyes.

It's a beautiful day, right?

Good morning! Beautiful day, isn't it?

We love it! It's really beautiful here.

You think so? I think it's very beautiful.

Both cars are beautiful, but I want this one.

You discover beautiful things when you leave home.

They travel to climb and see beautiful landscapes.

We were choosing some beautiful colours to paint the house.
More Example Sentences.

Life is beautiful.

A beautiful romance.

Ah, Julia! Why are you so beautiful?

I like to paint faces of beautiful women.

But she is always so beautiful and adorable.

It brings back beautiful memories of my mother.

Her beautiful silhouette gets lost in the distance.

But we often forget how beautiful life can be.

We enter the auditorium. The theatre is beautiful.

There are volcanoes, dense forests, beautiful beaches...

We should remind ourselves that life is beautiful.

They can fly in the sky and enjoy beautiful views.

When it rains, water brings beautiful plants to life.

He met a beautiful queen and his offspring reigned for years.

It's a beautiful day today. It's one of the first days of summer.

I have also seen beautiful large cities, but I prefer small towns.

The shaman finally found a beautiful and clear-eyed young woman named Indajani.

It was a beautiful place with very warm people. It was very calm and appealing.

I won't be able to visit the museum. That's okay! It's still a beautiful day.

Everyone in the village loved her and often commented on how beautiful and charming she was.

There's a beautiful dog park near my house. You can let the dogs run without a leash.

The city in which she lived was known for its romantic ambiance and beautiful architecture.