How to say Bed in German?
What does Bett mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Bed is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I slept in my bed.

We don't want to go to bed.

You will sleep in your bed.

The book is underneath the bed.

You may find it under the bed.

He would want (like) to be in bed.

I'm going to bed. I am very tired.

The bed is worse than the couch.

He drinks tea before he goes to bed.

She went to bed too late yesterday.

They will go to bed after the story.

I am coming in the tent to go to bed.

I go to bed at eight o'clock every evening.

If we were tired, we would go to bed.

You will be tired if you don't go to bed.

I believe it's time to go to bed girls!

You went to bed very early last night.

After a bit of reading, she used to go to bed.

You stayed in your bed to drink a coffee.

They slept in their parents' bed last night.

Thank you. We made the bed ourselves out of pallets.

They had slept in their parents' bed all morning.

That is completely false, I went to bed at midnight.

If you went to bed earlier, you would wake up well-rested.
More Example Sentences.

I get ready for bed.

I thought I'd go to bed early...!

Then, I'll take a shower and go to bed.

I told him that he should go back to bed.

I watch them carefully from my hospital bed.

Most of us have a warm and comfortable bed.

This bed is certainly more comfortable than an airplane seat!

One night, Tanya was lying in her bed when she realized something.

Edward managed to find a bit of confidence and went to bed for a good night's sleep.