How to say Bed in Spanish?

What does Cama mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Bed” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Cama”?

Bed is translated in Spanish by...

La cama (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Yo dormía en mi cama.
I was sleeping in my bed.
Tú dormirás en tu cama.
You will sleep in your bed.
El libro está debajo de la cama.
The book is underneath the bed.
Ellos están durmiendo en la cama de sus padres.
They are sleeping in their parents' bed.
Tú te quedabas en tu cama y bebías un café.
You used to stay in your bed to drink a coffee.
Anoche ellas durmieron en la cama de sus padres.
They slept in their parents' bed last night.
¿Desea una habitación con cama doble y baño privado?
You want a room with a double bed and a private bathroom?
Gracias. Hicimos la cama nosotros mismos con las paletas de madera.
Thank you. We made the bed ourselves out of wood pallets.

More Example Sentences.

Pensé que me iría a la cama temprano.
I thought I'd go to bed early.
Le dije que volviera a la cama.
I told him that he should go back to bed.
Luego, tomaré una ducha y me iré a la cama.
Then, I'll take a shower and go to bed.
Los miro con cuidado desde mi cama de hospital.
I watch them carefully from my hospital bed.
La mayoría de nosotros tenemos una cama cálida y cómoda.
Most of us have a warm and comfortable bed.
¡Esta cama definitivamente es más cómoda que un asiento de avión!
This bed is certainly more comfortable than an airplane seat!
Una noche, Tanya estaba acostada en su cama cuando se dio cuenta de algo.
One night, Tanya was lying in her bed when she realized something.
Abro la puerta, entro, dejo mis cosas, y me acomodo en la cama.
I open the door, I enter, I pack my things and I settle comfortably in my bed.
Edward logró encontrar un poco de confianza y se fue a la cama para dormir bien.
Edward managed to find a bit of confidence and went to bed for a good night's sleep.


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