How to say Better in German?
What does Besser mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Better is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Okay. I like that better!

It's better than nothing.

He writes better than I.

Yes. We better make sure.

You should feel better soon.

Yes, no problem. Are they better?

I feel better than yesterday.

The book is better than the movie.

I'm doing a little better today.

She learns better when she is outside.

I'm just trying to be a better father.

This soup is better than the last one.

Imagine a better world, without war.

Oh! That's better. What university do you go to?

If you had glasses, you would see better.

Better, but they still look terribly uncomfortable.

If she had studied a bit more, she would understand better.
More Example Sentences.

I am better than this.

Better make myself comfortable!

Doesn't he have better things to do?

He should use me for better things.

Let's hope it gets better tomorrow!

That ability would make us even better.

Nuts are much better than an onion sandwich.

I must move forward and become a better person.

After three days, the sick began to feel better.

I have to look on the internet for a better cure.

But this path can often lead to something even better.

Max was different, he got better grades and was neater.

He was very happy, the result was a lot better than he had hoped.

Artificial intelligence is in a better position to make decisions.

They were convinced that their sister received better food than them in the palace.

Her friends thought she had become completely insane, but she had never felt better.