How to say Bird in Italian?
What does Uccello mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Bird is translated in Italian by...
L'uccello (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Guarda quegli uccelli.
Look at those birds.
Look at those birds.
Lei vedeva gli uccelli nel cielo.
She was seeing birds in the sky.
She was seeing birds in the sky.
Ci sono degli uccelli nell'albero.
There are some birds in the tree.
There are some birds in the tree.
Guarda quell'uccello.
Look at that bird.
Look at that bird.
Sto guardando gli uccelli. Li sto guardando.
I am watching the birds. I am watching them.
I am watching the birds. I am watching them.
Anche con tutti gli uccelli che volano intorno alla spiaggia?
Even with all the birds flying around the beach?
Even with all the birds flying around the beach?
Hai visto l'uccello? Quello sta volando.
Did you see the bird? That one is flying.
Did you see the bird? That one is flying.
Se avessi le ali, tu voleresti come un uccello.
If you had wings, you would fly like a bird.
If you had wings, you would fly like a bird.
More Example Sentences.
Gli uccelli non capiscono quanto siano fortunati.
Birds don't understand how lucky they are.
Birds don't understand how lucky they are.
Come sono fortunati gli uccelli! Li invidio davvero.
How lucky birds are! I truly envy them.
How lucky birds are! I truly envy them.
O ascoltare gli uccelli che cantano la mattina?
Or listen to the birds sing in the morning?
Or listen to the birds sing in the morning?
Mi piace tornare al parco e dipingere gli uccelli.
I love going back to the park and paint the birds.
I love going back to the park and paint the birds.
Ci sono molti uccelli diversi che entrano nel cortile.
There are lots of different birds coming into the yard.
There are lots of different birds coming into the yard.
Oh, come vorrei volare come un uccello.
Oh, how I would love to fly like a bird.
Oh, how I would love to fly like a bird.
Mia madre mi portava al parco per vedere gli uccelli nello stagno.
My mother used to take me to the park to see the birds in the pond.
My mother used to take me to the park to see the birds in the pond.
Un enorme uccello ha lasciato cadere un frutto rosso sulla sabbia nel bel mezzo del rituale.
An enormous bird dropped a red fruit on the sand in the middle of the ritual.
An enormous bird dropped a red fruit on the sand in the middle of the ritual.