How to say Black in French?
What does Noir mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Black is translated in French by...
Noir (m) / Noire (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Le chien est noir.
The dog is black.
The dog is black.
Veux-tu l'horloge noire ou la blanche?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Ah oui, c'est vrai. Les avez-vous en noir?
Ah yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Ah yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Il portait une chemise noire, un jean bleu et des lunettes de soleil.
He was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and sunglasses.
He was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and sunglasses.
Je pense qu'ils étaient noirs. Il portait également une casquette de baseball.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
More Example Sentences.
Je vois un pelage noir avec des rayures blanches.
I see a black coat with white stripes.
I see a black coat with white stripes.