How to say Black in German?
What does Schwarz mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Black is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Der Hund ist schwarz.
The dog is black.
The dog is black.
Meine Katze ist schwarz und eure ist weiß.
My cat is black and yours is white.
My cat is black and yours is white.
Ah, ja, das stimmt. Haben Sie die in schwarz?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have those in black?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have those in black?
Wollen Sie die schwarze Uhr oder die weiße?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Ich glaube, sie waren schwarz. Er hatte auch eine Baseball-Kappe auf.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
Ich glaube, dass mit ihren schwarzen Zylinderhüten, alle Magier unheimlich sind.
I believe that, with their black top hats, all magicians are scary.
I believe that, with their black top hats, all magicians are scary.
More Example Sentences.
Ich sehe ein schwarzes Fell mit weißen Streifen.
I see a black coat with white stripes.
I see a black coat with white stripes.