How to say Black in Italian?
What does Nero mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Black is translated in Italian by...
Nero (m) / Nera (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Il cane è nero.
The dog is black.
The dog is black.
Ci sono molte mucche. Quella è nera.
There are lots of cows. That one is black.
There are lots of cows. That one is black.
Indossava una camicia nera, jeans e occhiali da sole.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
Il mio cane è nero e il vostro è bianco.
My dog is black and yours is white.
My dog is black and yours is white.
Ah, sì, è vero. Le ha di colore nero?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Vuoi l'orologio nero o quello bianco?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
More Example Sentences.
Penso di vedere l'animale attraverso i rami. Vedo una pelliccia nera con strisce bianche.
I think I see the animal through the branches. I see a black coat with white stripes.
I think I see the animal through the branches. I see a black coat with white stripes.