How to say Black in Spanish?
What does Negro mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Black is translated in Spanish by...
Negro (m) / Negra (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
El perro es negro.
The dog is black.
The dog is black.
Hay muchas vacas. Aquella es negra.
There are lots of cows. That one (over there) is black.
There are lots of cows. That one (over there) is black.
Tu perro es negro y el mío es blanco.
Your dog is black and mine is white.
Your dog is black and mine is white.
Llevaba una camisa negra, jeans y gafas de sol.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
¿Quieres el reloj negro o el blanco?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
Ah, sí, eso es verdad. ¿Los tiene en negro?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Ah, yes, that is true. Do you have them in black?
Creo que era negro. También llevaba una gorra de béisbol.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.