How to say Boat in French?

What does Bateau mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Boat” in French? What is the meaning of “Bateau”?

Boat is translated in French by...

Le bateau (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Voyager en bateau.
To travel by boat.
Nous attachons la voile du bateau.
We are tying the sail on the boat.
Nous allons pêcher sur notre bateau.
We are going fishing on our boat.
Il fait du ski nautique derrière le bateau.
He is water skiing behind the boat.
Elles restent près des bateaux en attendant que les hommes reviennent.
They stay close to the boats while waiting for the men to come back.
Elles attacheraient le bateau, mais la corde est prise en dessous de la voiture.
They would tie the boat, but the rope is stuck underneath the car.

More Example Sentences.

Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que le bateau coule.
It was only a matter of time before the boat sank.
Il devait ramer tout en retirant l'excès d'eau du bateau.
He had to row while getting the excess water out of the boat.
Son bateau a commencé à se remplir d'eau à cause de la forte pluie.
His boat began filling with water due to the heavy rain.
Bory n'avait jamais été dans une situation aussi dangereuse et son bateau était très petit.
Bory had never been in such a dangerous situation and his boat was very small.


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