How to say Boat in Italian?

What does Barca mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Boat” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Barca”?

Boat is translated in Italian by...

La barca (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Noi leghiamo la vela sulla barca.
We are tying the sail on the boat.
Se avessero una corda, loro legherebbero la barca.
If they had a rope, they would tie the boat.

More Example Sentences.

Era solo una questione di tempo prima che la barca affondasse.
It was only a matter of time before the boat sank.
Doveva remare mentre toglieva l'acqua in eccesso dalla barca.
He had to row while getting the excess water out of the boat.
La sua barca ha iniziato a riempirsi d'acqua a causa della pioggia battente.
His boat began filling with water due to the heavy rain.
Bory non si era mai trovato in una situazione così pericolosa e la sua barca era molto piccola.
Bory had never been in such a dangerous situation and his boat was very small.


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