How to say Boring in Italian?

What does Noioso mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Boring” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Noioso”?

Boring is translated in Italian by...

Noioso (m) / Noiosa (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Non è noioso?
Isn't that boring?
Era noioso!
It was boring!
Se il libro non fosse così noioso, io leggerei con te.
If the book weren't so boring, I would read it with you.

More Example Sentences.

Non diventa mai noioso.
It never gets boring.
Un altro giorno noioso.
Another boring day.
Non ho altra scelta che sopportare questa vita monotona e noiosa.
I have no choice but to endure this monotonous, boring life.
L'ammaccatura sulla mia auto, il mio lavoro noioso, i miei piccoli problemi di denaro.
The dent on my car, my boring job, my small money problems.


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