How to say Boss in Italian?
What does Capo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Boss is translated in Italian by...
Il capo (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Chi è il tuo capo?
Who is your boss?
Who is your boss?
Aveva uno strano rapporto con il capo.
She had a strange relationship with the boss.
She had a strange relationship with the boss.
Sì. Il mio capo e i miei colleghi sono fantastici.
Yes. My boss and my colleagues are great.
Yes. My boss and my colleagues are great.
More Example Sentences.
Alzo il telefono e chiamo il mio capo.
I take my phone and call my boss.
I take my phone and call my boss.
Spero che il mio capo non si arrabbi con me.
I hope my boss won't be mad at me.
I hope my boss won't be mad at me.
Beh, non ho scelta: devo chiamare il mio capo e scusarmi.
Well, I have no choice: I have to call my boss and apologize.
Well, I have no choice: I have to call my boss and apologize.
Devo tornare subito al lavoro o il mio capo si accorgerà che non ci sono più.
I have to get back to work quickly or else my boss will notice that I'm gone.
I have to get back to work quickly or else my boss will notice that I'm gone.