How to say Boy in French?
What does Garçon mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Boy is translated in French by...
Le garçon
The boy
The boy
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Les garçons
The boys
The boys
Des garçons
Some boys
Some boys
Ce garçon.
This/that boy.
This/that boy.
Il est un petit garçon.
He is a little boy.
He is a little boy.
Oui, j'ai un garçon et une fille.
Yes, I have a boy and a girl.
Yes, I have a boy and a girl.
Il y a un garçon dans la piscine.
There is one boy in the pool.
There is one boy in the pool.
J'ai trois enfants. Deux garçons et une fille.
I have three kids. Two boys and a girl.
I have three kids. Two boys and a girl.
Les garçons apprennent, ils apprennent.
The boys are learning, they are learning.
The boys are learning, they are learning.
Mon garçon a 4 ans et ma fille a 2 ans.
My boy is 4 years old and my daughter is 2 years old.
My boy is 4 years old and my daughter is 2 years old.
Le petit garçon faisait des grimaces dans l'eau.
The little boy was making funny faces in the water.
The little boy was making funny faces in the water.
Les garçons et les filles apprennent, ils apprennent.
The boys and girls are learning, they are learning.
The boys and girls are learning, they are learning.
Le petit garçon regarde les étoiles sur le toit de la maison.
The little boy is watching the stars on the roof of the house.
The little boy is watching the stars on the roof of the house.
More Example Sentences.
Deux garçons et une fille.
Two boys and a girl.
Two boys and a girl.
Ces garçons sont méchants.
These boys are mean.
These boys are mean.
Il était comme un petit garçon.
He was like a little boy.
He was like a little boy.
Samuel est un garçon très brave.
Samuel is a very brave boy.
Samuel is a very brave boy.
Elle a glissé un petit bureau entre les deux garçons.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
Tu vas rencontrer plusieurs garçons et filles comme toi.
You will meet many boys and girls like you.
You will meet many boys and girls like you.
Mais pourquoi s'intéresserait-elle à un garçon comme moi?
But why would she be interested in a boy like me?
But why would she be interested in a boy like me?
Les deux garçons ont commencé à se crier des insultes.
The two boys started shouting insults at each other.
The two boys started shouting insults at each other.
Comment ferait-t-elle pour que les garçons s'entendent enfin?
How could she make the boys finally get along?
How could she make the boys finally get along?
Les jeunes garçons se promenaient souvent l'après-midi.
The young boys went out for walks in the afternoons.
The young boys went out for walks in the afternoons.
J'ai hâte de te tenir dans mes bras, mon petit garçon.
I can't wait to hold you in my arms, my sweet baby boy.
I can't wait to hold you in my arms, my sweet baby boy.
Ce jour-là, les deux garçons ont appris une leçon importante.
That day, the two boys learned an important lesson.
That day, the two boys learned an important lesson.
Elle me dit que les garçons qui m'ont intimidé ont été punis.
She tells me that the boys who bullied me have been punished.
She tells me that the boys who bullied me have been punished.
J'ai beau avoir 24 ans, je me sens comme un petit garçon aujourd'hui.
I may be 24 years old, I feel like a little boy today.
I may be 24 years old, I feel like a little boy today.
Lena a demandé aux deux garçons de se tenir l'un en face de l'autre.
Lena asked the two boys to stand in front of each other.
Lena asked the two boys to stand in front of each other.
Peut-être qu'elles iront à mon enfant si j'ai un petit garçon un jour!
Maybe they'll fit my child if I have a little boy someday!
Maybe they'll fit my child if I have a little boy someday!
Le professeur ne savait pas quoi faire pour contrôler les deux garçons.
The teacher didn't know what to do to control the two boys.
The teacher didn't know what to do to control the two boys.
Tu es un petit garçon formidable et personne ne peut t'enlever ça.
You're a wonderful little boy and no one can take that away from you.
You're a wonderful little boy and no one can take that away from you.
Il avait participé à plusieurs compétitions avec des garçons de son âge.
He had participated in several competitions with boys his own age.
He had participated in several competitions with boys his own age.
La fille de la ville commençait rapidement à avoir un faible pour le noble garçon.
The city girl quickly began having feelings for the noble boy.
The city girl quickly began having feelings for the noble boy.
Il avait été victime d'intimidation à l'école parce qu'il était un petit garçon dodu.
He had been a victim of bullying in school because he was a chubby little boy.
He had been a victim of bullying in school because he was a chubby little boy.
Les garçons ont appris ce jour-là qu'ils ne devraient plus jamais désobéir à leurs parents.
The boys learned that day that they should never again disobey their parents.
The boys learned that day that they should never again disobey their parents.
Mais quoi qu'il arrive, je serai toujours là pour toi et tu resteras toujours mon petit garçon.
But whatever happens, I'll always be there for you and you'll always be my little boy.
But whatever happens, I'll always be there for you and you'll always be my little boy.
J'ai hâte de te montrer toutes les merveilles de ce monde et de te voir devenir un jeune garçon.
I can't wait to show you all the wonders of this world and to see you grow into a young boy.
I can't wait to show you all the wonders of this world and to see you grow into a young boy.