How to say Bread in German?
What does Brot mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Bread is translated in German by...
Das Brot
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Du fährst zur Bäckerei, um Brot zu kaufen.
You go to the bakery to buy bread.
You go to the bakery to buy bread.
Er streicht ein bisschen Butter auf das Brot.
He is spreading a little butter on the bread.
He is spreading a little butter on the bread.
Welches Brot ist am köstlichsten? Welches ist am köstlichsten?
Which bread is the most delicious? Which one is the most delicious?
Which bread is the most delicious? Which one is the most delicious?
More Example Sentences.
Er aß eine gefrorene Scheibe Brot.
He was eating a frozen slice of bread.
He was eating a frozen slice of bread.
Ich sagte ihm, dass er die Scheibe Brot in den Toaster geben solle.
I told him that he should put the slice of bread in the toaster.
I told him that he should put the slice of bread in the toaster.
Mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht nahm sie immer Brot und etwas Milch mit, um es den ärmsten Leuten zu geben.
With a big smile on her face, she would always take bread and a bit of milk to give to the poorest people.
With a big smile on her face, she would always take bread and a bit of milk to give to the poorest people.