How to say Brother in Italian?

What does Fratello mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Brother” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Fratello”?

Brother is translated in Italian by...

Il fratello (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Noi siamo fratelli.
We are brothers.
Hai dei fratelli?
Do you have any brothers?
Hai fratelli o sorelle?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I miei fratelli sono più vecchi di me.
My brothers are older than me.
Tu sei mio fratello.
You are my brother.
Io chiederò aiuto a mio fratello.
I will ask my brother for help.
Come si dice "fratello" in spagnolo?
How does one say "brother" in Spanish?
Sì, ho un fratello e due sorelle. E tu?
Yes, I have a brother and two sisters. And you?
È importante che io accompagni mio fratello a scuola.
It is important that I accompany my brother to school.

More Example Sentences.

Suo fratello era molto forte.
Her brother was very strong.
Il figlio maggiore ha deciso di non aspettare oltre. I due fratelli sono andati a cercare il padre.
The eldest son decided not to wait any longer. The two brothers went out looking for their father.


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