How to say Bunny in French?

What does Lapin mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Bunny” in French? What is the meaning of “Lapin”?

Bunny is translated in French by...

Le lapin (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

Le lapin est un symbole de Pâques.
The bunny is a symbol of Easter.
J'ai un petit lapin dans mon salon.
I have a small bunny in my living room.
Un lapin est beaucoup plus rapide qu'une tortue.
A bunny is much faster than a turtle.
Mon lapin est blanc.
My bunny is white.
Ma sœur a un lapin.
My sister has a bunny.
Votre lapin est très mignon.
Your bunny is very cute.


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