How to say Bus in French?

What does Autobus mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Bus” in French? What is the meaning of “Autobus”?

Bus is translated in French by...

L'autobus (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Le chien a été frappé par un autobus.
The dog was hit by a bus
Nous espérons que l'autobus viendra.
We hope that the bus will come.
Nous prenons l'autobus après l'école.
We take the bus after school.
Elle espère que l'autobus arrivera bientôt.
She hopes that the bus will arrive soon.

More Example Sentences.

Elle a vu la photo de profil de l'homme sur une publicité d'autobus.
She saw the man's profile picture on a bus advertisement.


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Means of Transportation in French.