How to say Calm in French?
What does Calme mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Calm is translated in French by...
Calme (m) / Calme (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Tu es très calme.
You are very calm.
You are very calm.
More Example Sentences.
D'accord, du calme.
Okay, calm down.
Okay, calm down.
D'accord, j'essaie de rester calme.
Okay, I try to remain calm.
Okay, I try to remain calm.
C'était très calme et attrayant.
It was very calm and appealing.
It was very calm and appealing.
Les jours se sont écoulés et la ferme de Madame Jimena est redevenue très calme.
The days went by and Lady Jimena's farm once again became calm.
The days went by and Lady Jimena's farm once again became calm.
En respirant calmement, comme un chasseur expérimenté, il a jeté sa lance de toutes ses forces.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.