How to say Calm in German?
What does Ruhig mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Calm is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Du bist eine ruhige Person.
You are a calm person.
You are a calm person.
More Example Sentences.
Es war sehr ruhig und anziehend.
It was very calm and appealing.
It was very calm and appealing.
Okay, ich versuche, ruhig zu bleiben.
Okay, I try to remain calm.
Okay, I try to remain calm.
Die Tage vergingen und Lady Jimenas Farm wurde wieder ruhig.
The days went by and Lady Jimena's farm once again became calm.
The days went by and Lady Jimena's farm once again became calm.
Ruhig atmend, wie es ein erfahrener Jäger tun würde, warf er seinen Speer mit all seiner Kraft.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.