How to say Calm in Italian?
What does Calmo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Calm is translated in Italian by...
Calmo (m) / Calma (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Va bene, cerco di mantenere la calma. Sono sicura che mi tireranno fuori di qui molto presto.
Okay, I try to remain calm. I'm sure they'll get me out of here very soon.
Okay, I try to remain calm. I'm sure they'll get me out of here very soon.
Respirava con calma, come un cacciatore esperto, e ha lanciato la lancia con tutte le sue forze.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.
Breathing calmly, as would an experienced hunter, he threw his spear with all his strength.
Sei calmo in questo momento?
Are you calm right now?
Are you calm right now?