How to say Car in German?
What does Auto mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Car is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

He has a new car.

The car is shiny.

My car won't start.

She wanted a car.

She drives a blue car.

The car is burgundy.

Do you have economical cars?

I see a fast car.

You sold me a car.

Your car is very nice.

I see the fast car.

We used to have a small car.

I see the fast cars.

You will have a clean car.

I see no fast cars.

You will repair this car.

The car drives in the garage.

This car is only a model.

The old car has no wheels.

Your car has no steering wheel.

Is it a new or used car?

Yes, I would like to rent a car.

He is trying to steal the car.

The car is accelerating quickly.

What is the price of this car?

My friend washes his new car.

We wash the car every weekend.

The car drives into (against) a tree.

They have a problem with their car.

I go to work with my old car.

You checked the oil in your car.

She doesn't know how to repair the car.

I park my car near the post office.

Your car is not as fast as mine.

The car was not functioning normally.

Maybe I'll be able to fix your car.

You were closing the door of your car.

She will rent this car for a week.

We will repair the car as a family.

Where is the car? It is in the garage.

My brother and my sister have a car.

They are not allowed to park their car here.

I love my car, but yours is prettier.

The new car is worse than the old one.

There are a few cars in the parking lot.

He is washing his car, because it is dirty.

Both cars are beautiful, but I want this one.

Yes, the garage for the car is under the terrace.

I wonder if/whether I should buy a new car.

He can't fix the car without his tools.

If I had a car, I would go to the store.

The car is used. I bought it two years ago.

When you will be older, you are going to drive a car.

I need to take the car to the mechanic after work.

If I didn't have a vehicle, I would rent a car.

This car is the best vehicle I have ever had.

You would buy this car if it were functioning.

If she had a car, she would come to my house.

If I could open the door, I would steal the car.

If I had tools, I would try to repair the car.

I need help with my car. I think my brakes are broken.

If there weren't so many cars, we would cross the road.

Two stray dogs follow the car. Two stray dogs follow it.

The cars will stop to let the children cross the street.

We had rented that car for six days for our trip to New York.
More Example Sentences.

You can come get the car.

I leave to get the car.

I'm here to pick up my car.

You should see my father's car!

He could lift a car with one hand.

There's only one man working on a car.

Our car is still at the water park!

The tires on my car are really worn out.

I get in my car and drive to this hotel.

We can rent a car and find good restaurants.

The following week, I take my car to the garage.

They asked me to change, then to get in the car.

Your oil change is done, sir, you can come get the car.

We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.

The mechanic keeps working on his car and ignores me completely.

The dent on my car, my boring job, my small money problems...