How to say Car in Spanish?
What does Auto mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You sold me a car.

You will have a clean car.

Do you have economical cars?

They will enter the car.

He is trying to steal the car.

Yes, I would like to rent a car.

This car is only a model.

You are going to fix this car.

We just bought a car.

We had (used to have) a small car.

What is the price of this car?

He is going to have to fix the car.

You checked the oil in your car.

I want to fix the car with you.

Your car is not as fast as mine.

She doesn't know how to fix the car.

Okay. What type of car would you like?

The car is accelerating quickly.

We will fix the car as a family.

He will open the car door for her.

He got a toy car for his birthday.

You were entering the car quickly.

She will rent this car for a week.

The car was not functioning normally.

He is washing his car because it is dirty.

The new car is worse than the old one.

They have a problem with their car.

Where is the car? It is in the garage.

If I didn't have a car, I would rent one.

We wash the car every weekend.

I love my car, but yours is prettier.

When you grow up, you are going to drive a car.

He can't fix the car without his tools.

If she had a car, she would come to my house.

Both cars are beautiful, but I want that one.

If I could open the door, I would steal the car.

If this car were functioning, you would buy it.

You were closing and locking the doors of your car.

We are renting a car to go to New York.

You have finally found a car that you like.

If I had the tools, I would try to fix the car.

He would pick up the kids from school if he had a car.

The cars will stop to let the children cross the street.

We would cross the road if there weren't so many cars.

If their car weren't broken, they would return home.