How to say Cereal in French?
What does Céréales mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Cereal is translated in French by...
Les céréales (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Nous avons mangé des céréales pour le petit déjeuner.
We ate cereal for breakfast.
We ate cereal for breakfast.
Je mange des céréales. J'en mange.
I am eating cereals. I am eating (some of it).
I am eating cereals. I am eating (some of it).
Elle mange des céréales, mais elle n'avait plus de lait.
She is eating cereal, but she didn't have anymore milk.
She is eating cereal, but she didn't have anymore milk.
More Example Sentences.
Je mange mes céréales tellement vite que je renverse le bol sur mon cardigan.
I eat my cereal so fast that I spill the bowl on my cardigan.
I eat my cereal so fast that I spill the bowl on my cardigan.
Ce matin, j'ai mangé trop vite et j'ai renversé mes céréales sur mon cardigan , je réponds.
This morning, I ate too fast and I spilled my cereal on my cardigan, I answer.
This morning, I ate too fast and I spilled my cereal on my cardigan, I answer.