How to say Cereals in Italian?

What does Cereali mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Cereal” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Cereale”?

Cereals is translated in Italian by...

I cereali (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Noi abbiamo mangiato cereali per la colazione.
We ate cereal for breakfast.

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Stamattina ho mangiato troppo in fretta e mi sono versato i cereali sul cardigan, rispondo.
This morning, I ate too fast and I spilled my cereal on my cardigan, I answer.
Mangio i miei cereali così in fretta che mi rovescio la ciotola sul cardigan. Ora è tutto bagnato, pieno di latte.
I eat my cereal so fast that I spill the bowl on my cardigan. Now it's all wet, full of milk.


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