How to say Chair in French?

What does Chaise mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Chair” in French? What is the meaning of “Chaise”?

Chair is translated in French by...

La chaise (f)

Example Sentences in Context.

Nous trouvons deux chaises de plage devant l'immense piscine à vagues.
We find two beach chairs in front of the huge wave pool.
Après avoir essayé presque toutes les glissades du parc, nous retournons à nos chaises de plage.
After trying almost every slide in the park, we go back to our beach chairs.
Le problème c'est qu'il y a maintenant un couple avec leur tout-petit assis sur nos chaises.
The problem is that there is now a couple with their toddler sitting in our chairs.


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