How to say Chicken in German?
What does Huhn mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Chicken is translated in German by...
Das Huhn
Example Sentences in Context.
Clementines Küken wuchsen schnell und alle wurden erwachsene Hühner.
Clementine's chicks grew fast and they all became adult chickens.
Clementine's chicks grew fast and they all became adult chickens.
Sie hatte eine Auswahl an Tieren: Kühe, Pferde, Schweine, Hühner und Truthähne.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
Die Küken folgten dem Huhn.
The chicks were following the chicken.
The chicks were following the chicken.
Das Huhn legte ein Ei.
The chicken laid an egg.
The chicken laid an egg.