How to say Chicken in Italian?

What does Pollo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Chicken” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Pollo”?

Chicken is translated in Italian by...

Il pollo (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Gli piace guardare i polli nel recinto.
He likes to watch the chickens in their pen.
Oggi c'è l'insalata di pollo.
Today's special is the chicken salad.

More Example Sentences.

Sembrano tutti disgustosi, ma io prendo il panino al pollo.
They all look gross, but I take the chicken sandwich.
I pulcini di Clementina sono cresciuti rapidamente e sono diventati tutti dei polli adulti.
Clementine's chicks grew fast and they all became adult chickens.
Aveva diversi animali, come ad esempio mucche, cavalli, maiali, polli e tacchini.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
Mi piace il pollo meglio del maiale.
I like chicken better than pork.
Il pollo ha deposto un uovo.
The chicken laid an egg.


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