How to say Children in German?
What does Kinder mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Children is translated in German by...
Die Kinder (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Aber die sind für Kinder!
But those are for children!
But those are for children!
Wo sind die Kinder?
Where are the children?
Where are the children?
Nein, ich habe keine Kinder.
No, I don't have children.
No, I don't have children.
Wie viele Kinder haben Sie?
How many children do you have?
How many children do you have?
Kinder! Benehmt euch!
Children! Behave yourselves!
Children! Behave yourselves!
Kinder wollen alles wissen.
Children want to know everything.
Children want to know everything.
Du lehrtest die Kinder Musik.
You taught the children music.
You taught the children music.
Tut mir leid. Und hast du Kinder?
I'm sorry. And do you have children?
I'm sorry. And do you have children?
Gehen Ihre Kinder schon zur Schule?
Do your children go to school yet?
Do your children go to school yet?
Die Kinder spielten den ganzen Tag.
The children played all day.
The children played all day.
Sie sind wunderbar. Hast du Kinder?
They are adorable. Do you have children?
They are adorable. Do you have children?
Die Kinder laufen durch den Park.
The children run through the park.
The children run through the park.
Die Kinder müssen im Park warten.
The children have to wait in the park.
The children have to wait in the park.
Die Kinder werden frische Donuts essen.
The children will eat fresh donuts.
The children will eat fresh donuts.
Die Kinder haben schöne Kostüme getragen.
The children wore nice costumes.
The children wore nice costumes.
Sie würde es lieben, vier Kinder zu haben.
She would love to have four children.
She would love to have four children.
Die Kinder gehen vor ihren Eltern.
The children walk in front of their parents.
The children walk in front of their parents.
Wir fahren mit unseren Kindern zur Schule.
We are going to school with our children.
We are going to school with our children.
Die Kinder werden sich an diese Reise erinnern.
The children will remember this trip.
The children will remember this trip.
Fehlen: Die Kinder fehlen der Mutter.
To be missing: The mother misses the children.
To be missing: The mother misses the children.
Die Kinder werden im Park Seifenblasen pusten.
The children will blow bubbles in the park.
The children will blow bubbles in the park.
Eine Katze. Die Kinder geben einer Katze einen Keks.
A cat. The children give a cookie to a cat.
A cat. The children give a cookie to a cat.
Die Kinder lernten, ihre Fantasie zu gebrauchen.
The children were learning to use their imagination.
The children were learning to use their imagination.
Die Kinder vergaßen nicht, was sie ihnen beigebracht hatte.
The children weren't forgetting what she taught them.
The children weren't forgetting what she taught them.
Ich werde den Kindern erlauben, 30 Minuten draußen zu spielen.
I will allow the children to play outside for 30 minutes.
I will allow the children to play outside for 30 minutes.
Die Kinder haben immer Spaß, wenn sie auf dem Spielplatz sind.
The children have fun whenever they are on the playground.
The children have fun whenever they are on the playground.
Kinder haben die köstlichen Früchte jenes jungen Baumes gegessen.
Children have eaten the delicious fruits of that young tree.
Children have eaten the delicious fruits of that young tree.
Sie kaufen den Kindern eine Pizza. Sie kaufen ihnen eine Pizza.
She buys a pizza for the children. She buys a pizza for them.
She buys a pizza for the children. She buys a pizza for them.
Ihr würdet auf die Kinder aufpassen, wenn sie euch darum bitten würden.
You would watch over the children if they asked you to.
You would watch over the children if they asked you to.
Du wirst an deine Kinder denken, wenn du diese Fotos ansiehst.
You will think about your children when you look at these photos.
You will think about your children when you look at these photos.
Die Autos werden anhalten, um die Kinder die Straße überqueren zu lassen.
The cars will stop to let the children cross the street.
The cars will stop to let the children cross the street.
Die Mutter setzt sich an das Fenster, um auf ihre Kinder aufzupassen.
The mother sits next to the window to watch over her children.
The mother sits next to the window to watch over her children.
Die Kinder schütteln die Weihnachtsgeschenke, um zu erraten, was drin ist.
The children shake the Christmas gifts to guess what's inside.
The children shake the Christmas gifts to guess what's inside.
Ich machte den Kindern ein paar Kekse. Ich machte ihnen ein paar Kekse.
I made some cookies for the children. I made some cookies for them.
I made some cookies for the children. I made some cookies for them.
Naja, sie ist hauptsächlich für Kinder, aber sie ist deutlich einfacher zu verstehen.
Well, it is mainly for children, but it's much easier to understand.
Well, it is mainly for children, but it's much easier to understand.
More Example Sentences.
Er hat jetzt drei Kinder.
He now has three children.
He now has three children.
Sie bittet die Kellnerin, eine Kinder-Speisekarte zu bringen.
She asks the waitress to bring a children's menu.
She asks the waitress to bring a children's menu.
Meine kleine Schwester guckt eine Kindersendung im Fernsehen.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
Ich habe meine Frau und meine Mutter mit meinen zwei Kindern zu Hause gelassen.
I've left my wife and my mother with my two children at home.
I've left my wife and my mother with my two children at home.
Bald danach erhielten sie die Nachricht, dass sie eigene Kinder erwarteten.
Soon after, they got the news that they were expecting children of their own.
Soon after, they got the news that they were expecting children of their own.
Die Kinder und die Mutter des Soldaten rannten zur Tür, um ihn auch zu umarmen.
The children and the soldier's mother ran to the door to hug him as well.
The children and the soldier's mother ran to the door to hug him as well.
Johana und Harry starteten bald ihr eigenes Unternehmen; eine Freizeitwerkstatt für Kinder.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business; a recreational workshop for children.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business; a recreational workshop for children.
Die Ortsbewohner waren freundlich, die Kinder hatten Orte zum Rennen, Spielen und Fahrradfahren.
The locals were friendly, the children had places to run, play and ride their bikes.
The locals were friendly, the children had places to run, play and ride their bikes.
Sie war, gemeinsam mit ihren zwei Kindern, für die Pflege der Tiere und des Lands verantwortlich.
She was responsible, along with their two children, for caring for the animals and the land.
She was responsible, along with their two children, for caring for the animals and the land.
Seine Frau schickte ihm auch Bilder seiner zwei Kinder, damit er sehen konnte, wie groß sie wurden.
His wife also sent him pictures of his two children, so he could see how big they were getting.
His wife also sent him pictures of his two children, so he could see how big they were getting.
Die Kellnerin geht und kommt mit einer schönen Kinder-Speisekarte mit Spielen und Zeichnungen darin wieder.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.